
Showing posts from September, 2022


  Dear children, lets not merely say we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.    I John 3:18 (NLT) If I were to ask you if you have every "seen" your face, your response would probably be "of course, I have"!  All I have to do is look into a mirror!  In actuality, when looking "at ourselves" in a mirror, we only see a reflection  of our faces.   According to, this is what is really happening.  "It's all about light.  Light reflects off an object, and if that object is in your field of vision, it enters the eye."  The light reflects off the mirror, and that reflection enters our eye.  We only see the  reflection of our faces. When we closely examine our lives in the mirror of the Word, would others see the light of Christ's reflection in your life?  On any given day or circumstance, would the light of His presence in your life be what others " see " and experience?  As we interact w...

Back Door Blessings?!?

  Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your understanding.   In all your ways   ac knowlege him , and he will make straight your paths.  Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord , and turn away from evil .    Proverbs 3:3-7. (ESV) You are probably wondering what that term "backdoor blessings". even means.  Well, I made it up.😊  This type of "blessing" is one in which something which is clearly dishonest and wrong is attributed as being a blessing from God.  This example will clarify.  My husband, another person (ironically in ministry) and I were headed somewhere.  We stopped along the way to get some gas.  This was back when you had to go inside to pay for your purchase.  When my husband returned from pumping and paying for the gas, he realized that the store attendant had given him too much change.  He immediately returned the money.  When he got back into the car, the person riding w...


  Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.    Proverbs 27:6 (NKJV) Wouldn't you rather experience the "pain" that comes from a friend who loves you enough to tell you the truth (fully aware that the honesty may anger or hurt your feelings) than a person who tells you what they think you want to hear?   Perhaps the  best response  would be to use the "pain" that may come from correction, accept the honesty,  own your mistake, and repent, then confront the truth as an opportunity to grow.  The motives of a true friend  or fellow  Believer are accountability and  love...for both God and you.   An example of such a friendship can be seen the relationship between Jonathan and King David *(1 Samuel 18:3) .    After King David lusted after, slept with and impregnated Bathsheba (11 Samuel 11:2-6) , he arranged for her husband to be killed, then took her to be his wife  (2 Samuel ...


                                                       You have probably heard people say of today's generation that they have a real problem with entitlement.   I must confess that I have seen a lot of that, however, they are not the first generation to be guilty of that. Merriam-Webster defines entitlement as "a belief that one is deserving or entitled to certain privileges."                               John 8:31-47 records a conversation that Jesus had with descendants of Abraham explaining to them that if they were His disciples, "they would know the truth and the truth would make them free" . They were indignant that Jesus would insinuate that they were ever slaves to anyone  ( Verses 31-32) and their response revealed their attitude of entitlement....