Dear children, lets not merely say we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.   I John 3:18 (NLT)

If I were to ask you if you have every "seen" your face, your response would probably be "of course, I have"!  All I have to do is look into a mirror!  In actuality, when looking "at ourselves" in a mirror, we only see a reflection of our faces.   According to, this is what is really happening.  "It's all about light.  Light reflects off an object, and if that object is in your field of vision, it enters the eye."  The light reflects off the mirror, and that reflection enters our eye.  We only see the reflection of our faces.

When we closely examine our lives in the mirror of the Word, would others see the light of Christ's reflection in your life?  On any given day or circumstance, would the light of His presence in your life be what others "see" and experience?  As we interact with others, would we reflect His heart and the fruit of the Spirit (Galations 5:22-23)?  Would they see the virtues listed in Philippians 4:8?

As we are approaching the last quarter of 2022, Lets commit to checking ourselves.  Not one of us is perfect, but may we follow Paul's example in Philippians 3:12-14, that Christ may be glorified.  




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