You have probably heard people say of today's generation that they have a real problem with entitlement.   I must confess that I have seen a lot of that, however, they are not the first generation to be guilty of that. Merriam-Webster defines entitlement as "a belief that one is deserving or entitled to certain privileges."                             

John 8:31-47 records a conversation that Jesus had with descendants of Abraham explaining to them that if they were His disciples, "they would know the truth and the truth would make them free". They were indignant that Jesus would insinuate that they were ever slaves to anyone (Verses 31-32) and their response revealed their attitude of entitlement.  They had no humility, nor did they have a teachable spirit.   "...They answered Him saying "We are Abraham's children, and have never been in bondage to anyone.  How can You say,"You will make us free"?" (Verse 32) Jesus was trying teach them that they were slaves to sin, and responded in Verse 39  "If you were Abrahams's children you would do the works of Abraham." He actually told them that the devil (not Abraham) was their father because of their attitude and actions. (Verse 44)

What about you?  Do you believe that you are entitled to favor based on the the lives and testamonies of loved ones whose faithfulness and Kingdom service testify to their salvation, even though you have not invited Christ into your heart?  If so, you are mistaken. Have you lived the life of a "prodigal" son or daughter who realizes the need for repentance and restoration?   If you have, then God, our heavenly Father is just a repentance away, an apology away, a confession away waiting with open arms for you to return to Him.  (II Chronicles 7:15).

A part of the lyics to an old song by Rev.James Moore came to mind as I was writing this.  "He was there all the time, Jesus was there all the time, Waiting patiently in line, He was there all the time" just like the father of the prodigal son.



(Emphasis in the scriptures are mine.)


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