Back Door Blessings?!?


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your understanding.  In all your ways acknowlege him, and he will make straight your paths.  Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil   Proverbs 3:3-7. (ESV)

You are probably wondering what that term "backdoor blessings". even means.  Well, I made it up.😊  This type of "blessing" is one in which something which is clearly dishonest and wrong is attributed as being a blessing from God. 

This example will clarify.  My husband, another person (ironically in ministry) and I were headed somewhere.  We stopped along the way to get some gas.  This was back when you had to go inside to pay for your purchase.  When my husband returned from pumping and paying for the gas, he realized that the store attendant had given him too much change.  He immediately returned the money.  When he got back into the car, the person riding with us bagan to shake his head in disbelief saying "It is so hard for God to bless you!!  He was insinuating that the extra money was supposed to have been a way that God was trying to bless him (Back Door).  I was flabbergasted! 

On, stealing is defined as "..what thieves do:  taking things from other people".  The extra money did not belong to my husband and Proverbs 30:9 (NKJV) refers to one who steals as "...profaning the name of God".  Was this the way that God was trying to "bless" my husband?  Absolutely not?  One of my former pastors had a saying that "There is no right way to do wrong."  I agree.  Could it have been a test for both of them?  I believe so.  One passed and one failed.

May we walk in spiritual integrity in all situations, publically and privately. May we authenically reflect His character and heart as we are His hands and feet in the earth.  God would never contradict His character and what He expects of each of us.  There are no backdoor blessings in Him!



(Every emphasis in scripture is mine.)


  1. This is good and so true. It's a test of our hearts. This has happened to me and I did the same thing.


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