2 Chronicles 7:13 NLT At times I might shut up the heavens so that no rain falls, or command grasshoppers to devour your crops, or send plagues among you. Photo by Andres Simon As I w atched the footage of the drought coupled with the infestation of grasshoppers in the West---Montana, Wyoming, Oregon, Idaho, Arizona, Colorado & Nebraska--I could not help but be reminded of when God sent plagues (10 in all) to Egypt to “motivate” Pharoah to let the Israelites go. (Exodus 10:4) . In the news report, one farmer lamented that he was afraid that his livestock would be dead by September because the swarms of grasshoppers were leaving very little for the livestock to eat. The average grasshopper eats 7 times its weight and eats almost all day ravaging their crops. In a desperate attempt to save his crops, another farmer fashioned some type of netting to try to capture some of the grasshoppers. On one side of the country there are droughts and wildfires. On t...