Is the Golden Rule Scriptural??

Matthew 7:12  (NLT)

Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.  This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.

This is how the Bible teaches those of us who are Believers to conduct ourselves in our daily interactions with others. 

Some people believe that what is called the “Golden Rule”, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” is an actual Biblical scripture quote, but it is not.  Consider the following quote from Norman Rockwell published in 1961 in the Saturday Evening Post.

“I’d been reading up on comparative religion.  The thing is that all major religions have the Golden Rule in Common. ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’  Not always the same words but the same meaning..”  

Although it is not an actual Biblical quote, its sentiment is reflected in our key scripture. The thing we have to remember is that although we may treat people the way we would like to be treated and it is the Godly way to live, we cannot always expect that the same treatment will be reciprocated.  When we look at the life of Christ who is  our role model for how to live and conduct ourselves, we certainly don’t find that to have always been His experience.

It is a challenge to be nice/kind to others when they seem committed to be the complete opposite with us.  We are living in a time when emotions, fears, and frustrations are running high and there has been a surge in rudeness and violence.  Thankfully, at the same time, there has also been an outcry by many for more civility and patience with each other. Sometimes our “flesh” will begin to rise up and we have to bring our human, natural inclination to strike back under the subjection of the Word and Will of God.  We cannot subscribe to the worldly version of “Do unto others BEFORE they do unto you.”

Christ is honored and our testimony is pleasing to Him when we reflect Him in our behavior, however, it takes prayer, commitment,  patience, and intentionality on our parts.  




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