It's HIS Prerogative!

 Focus Scripture:  Acts 9:15 (NLT)

15 But the Lord said, “Go, for Saul is my chosen instrument to take my message to the Gentiles and to kings, as well as to the people of Israel.

In order to understand the context, please read Acts 9: 10-15.  It will put Verse 15 in proper perspective.

If you are familiar with the life of Saul as he was one who because of his hatred for Christians made it his mission in life, to hunt them down, bind them, and drag them back to Jerusalem, to “feed them to the lions” (my term).  (Verses 1,2)  The turning point was his encounter with the Lord on the road to Damascus while on the way to hunt for more Christians.  It is understandable that Ananias, a disciple of Christ,  would be hesitant to go to Saul to lay hands on him so that his sight would be restored and he be filled with the Holy Spirit.  (Verse 17)  It was fear and an understandable trust issue for Ananias because of Saul’s well deserved reputation.

Ananias’ fears were put to rest as the Lord revealed His plan to use Saul (whose name was later changed to Paul) to  reach and minister  to the Gentiles,  kings, and  the people of Israel.  God saw potential and had a greater, God honoring  purpose for Saul’s life .  God has the power to transform our lives if we allow Him to use us and we get out of His way. 

May be be careful that we not have the audacity or presume to have the right or wisdom to judge who may or not be worthy to be used by God.  The choice is His and His alone.




  1. Love this! God has the final say. He has much people yet to come into the Kingdom for these last days! We can’t let fear rule our hearts, faith cancels fear!

    1. If we were to realize that each one of us may be effective in reaching a certain “group” of people who may be able to relate to us better than the next person, I believe that we would be further along in expanding the Kingdom!


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