
Showing posts from June, 2021


For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength . Philippians 4:13 (NLT) Sometimes the events and circumstances that come into our lives are so intimidating that they look like “assassins” sent to take us out because they seem insurmountable and destructive. However, instead of taking us out, they may really be the thing that God sends (or allows) to take us up to be delivered. The following story will help you understand.  If you have heard it before, please humor me. There was a farmer who had one mule that was so special to him that he was more like a pet than just an animal to work his fields.  On the farmer’s property was an old abandoned well that he kept covered.  One day, the mule mistakenly fell into that well, and the farmer was in a panic to get him out.  Try as he may, the farmer was unsuccessful.  He ran to get help from a neighboring farmer.   All of their efforts failed.   The neighbor finally said that it was hopel...


      This quote by Rudyard Kipling reads in its entirety this way.  “Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.”  “Twain” just means two.  Unfortunately, this quote did not enter my mind when I was  trying to understand the scripture below Psalm 103:12  (NKJV) As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us. EAST < ------------------------ > WEST This scripture deals with what God does with our transgressions/sins once we have repented and He has forgiven them.  Many of us have issues with understanding what forgiveness is and what it is not.  Some struggle with accepting God’s forgiveness because we can not understand how God could ever forgive us when we are unable (or unwilling) to forgive ourselves. Aren’t we  thankful for Isaiah 55:8?  “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD!” To forgive is contrary to ou...


  VikiVector:Shutterstock John 15:6 (AMP) I am the Vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him bears much fruit, for [otherwise] apart from Me [that is, cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing. Let’s first look at this key scripture from the natural standpoint.  Let’s consider a tomato plant.  The vine is what supplies sustenance to the branches which allow the fruit (tomato) to be produced.  If that branch or some part of it is somehow severed from the vine, it will wither and die because the vine is its life source of the nourishment that it needs not only to be sustained, but to thrive.  Even if it already has fruit budding (a future tomato) on it, it too will die. That means that the vine is vital; so is the root system.  The root system supplies water and nutrients drawn from the soil that stabilizes and makes the entire system healthy and viable. If the root system is somehow compromised, then the entire plant wil...


  If those words have ever come out of your mouth, is it it possible that it is actually a complaint about the quality of the provisions of God for His children; that He is not a good provider.     Jehovah Jireh , is one of many names that reflect one aspect of God’s character and benefits.  It means “ God,  Our Provider ”.  Jireh is loosely translated  as “The Lord will see (to it)". Adonai-jireh or Yahweh Yireh, is the name that Abraham called the place where God provided a ram in the bush to be sacrificed instead of requiring Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac.  (Genesis 22:12-14)  Abraham demonstrated through his obedience his absolute faith and trust in God to provide what was needed. ( Genesis 22:2,5,7,8) . Most times when we say we are broke or have no money, it is not entirely true.  If we have just a little loose change or even just a few dollars, we are not broke.  If it is true that we honestly have NO money, then...


  Jeremiah 2:32   (ESV)  C an a virgin forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire?   Yet my people have forgotten me days without numbers. One of the things I ask the Lord to do for me and my loved ones every night before I go to sleep is to ask (then thank Him in advance) for stationing angels all with wings overlapping, around my bed and the beds of my loved ones, as well as, angels outside of every door and window to protect us as we sleep.  During one of my morning devotions, He showed me something that was like a short video clip. I saw Him sitting beside the bed of someone (early morning) who was beginning to wake up.  He dismissed the angels around her bed and said, It’s fine.  She’ll be awake soon and we can have a little time together before she takes off for the day.  I miss spending time with her.”  As she became more alert, the Lord waited, sitting on the edge of the chair with anticipation of her desiring to spend some of her fi...