Jeremiah 2:32  (ESV)  Can a virgin forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire?  Yet my people have forgotten me days without numbers.

One of the things I ask the Lord to do for me and my loved ones every night before I go to sleep is to ask (then thank Him in advance) for stationing angels all with wings overlapping, around my bed and the beds of my loved ones, as well as, angels outside of every door and window to protect us as we sleep.  During one of my morning devotions, He showed me something that was like a short video clip.

I saw Him sitting beside the bed of someone (early morning) who was beginning to wake up.  He dismissed the angels around her bed and said, It’s fine.  She’ll be awake soon and we can have a little time together before she takes off for the day.  I miss spending time with her.” 

As she became more alert, the Lord waited, sitting on the edge of the chair with anticipation of her desiring to spend some of her first waking moments with Him.  Before she got out of bed, she reached for her phone to scroll FaceBook to read the new posts. When she realized how long she had laid there, she abruptly jumped up, ran into the bathroom to freshen up and brush her teeth... while scrolling Instagram.

Disappointed, He thought “surely she’ll take a few minutes to communicate with me before she leaves for the day.  It’s been such a long time since we’ve spent any quality time together.”  Sadly, she grabbed a cup of coffee, her purse, and, of course, her phone then left for the day without giving any thought to acknowledging, thanking, or spending any time with Him. 

How many of us are also guilty of doing something similar day after day.  Are we guilty of choosing to be “unavailable” until some crisis comes into our lives to shake us up and get our attention?  When that happens, we certainly expect Him to be readily available to help us.  It should not take a crisis in our lives for us to reach out to Him, spend time with Him, to pray, or to read the Word, but, sadly, sometimes that is the only way He can get our attention.  He longs to have a relationship (not a fling) with each one of us.  Truth be told, we make time for the things that are really important to us. Just as Jesus often stole away to spend time with and communicate with the Father, we need to do the same daily with Jesus to stay connected and build intimacy with Him. (John 15:5)

If this is where you are, now is the time to confess it, repent of it, and re-dedicate yourself to rebuilding a healthy, spiritual, personal relationship with the Savior.  Revelations 3:20 contains a personal invitation.  “Behold, I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.”   He is always a gentleman, and He is waiting with open arms. Will you make time and room for Him in your life? What will you choose?

Please listen to the lyrics of this song and decide if it reflects your heart. It is called "Make Room" by Jonathan McReynolds. Copy and Paste it in the search bar on YouTube and you can listen to it.




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