
Showing posts from January, 2024

Shovel or Rake?

  But  let   a   man   examine   himself... ,     1 Corinthians 11:28a This scripture is an instruction that is usually given before participating in the Lord's supper, however I believe that it applies to the scenario below.  ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~ Have you ever been in a situation when you found yourself thinking "So & So" needs to be here to hear or read this?  That may even be true, but perhaps you are there or reading the statement because it might be something that you may need to hear and apply to your life as well.  We tend to have clear vision to see other people's shortcomings while ignoring our own. * If you take a moment to reflect and be honest with yourself, you may recall a time when you were guilty of this type of thinking.   Sometimes we have the tendancy to remove ourselves from the need to embrace and take to heart what is being shared in those instances.  Are we in that m


    But without faith  it is  impossible to please  Him,  for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and  that  He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.    Hebrews 11:6.          Every Believer should have as their goal to please God.  Having said that, this requires crucifying the flesh and bringing it under the subjection of the Holy Spirit which cannot be done without faith.                                                                  Faith is kind of like a muscle, a spiritual muscle. The more it is used, the stronger it gets.  Body builders have massive muscles, but they were not born that way.  Someone can start out looking like Don Knotts (aka Barney Fife: * The Andy Griffith Show) but with hard work can end up with muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger (aka The Terminator).  How you may ask?  ** Through many, many repetitions which strengthens those muscles to become bigger and stronger which takes times and consistency.      When we are going through a hard

Five Ways God Uses Problems (In Our Lives)

                                                          PROBLEMS HAVE PURPOSE  '          1.  "God uses problems to DIRECT you.       Sometimes God must light a fire under you to get you moving.         Proverbs 20:30   Physical punishment cleanses away evil;  such discipline                            purifies the heart. 2.   God uses problems to INSPECT you.       People are like tea bags.  If you want to know what's inside them,        Just drop them in hot water!       James 1:2-3    Dear brothers and sisters, [ a when troubles of any kind come your                             way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.     For you know that when your faith is                             tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.                                                           3.   God uses problems to CORRECT you.       Some lessons we learn only through pain and          failure.       Psalm 119:71-72.   My suffering was good for me, for it     


         For we walk by faith, not by sight.   2 Corinthians 5:7   (NKJV)  There have been times in my travels when I have flown in rain and  snow.  On one flight, we weren't allowed on the runway to taxi until our plane had been de-iced as a precaution.  I admit that the need to de-ice the plane gave me a momentary pause as I watched it being done.  I always pray for the pilot and co-pilot.  I then envision in my mind seeing God with the plane in the palm of His hand, gently walking us safely to our destination.  This may sound weird or childish, but it works much better than fear.                                                                                                         Photo by   Felix Mittermeier   on Unsplash No matter how omnious the clouds looked on the ground, no matter how the rain or snow came down, no matter what the weather people said about the forecast, once we got above the scary, threatening  weather, and the plane rose above the clouds, the sun was a


  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your path.   Proverbs 3:5-6, NKJV   Photo by Miriam G. on Unsplash According to the internet, trust in this scripture means "to have confidence in" (the Lord), which is more than just "believing in who He is and what He says."  This kind of confidence requires faith that the Lord will always come through, even when it isn't when or in the way we anticipated. Having just entered a brand new year, (only 3 days old), may we do so full of renewed faith and anticipation of what the Lord wants to do in us and through us.   He has a plan for each of our lives.  If we lack faith, we just have to ask, then act on it.  May we respond as the father responded to Jesus when asked if he believed that He (Jesus) could deliver his son. The father answered honestly saying, "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!"  (Mark 9: