Shovel or Rake?

 But let a man examine himself...,   1 Corinthians 11:28a
This scripture is an instruction that is usually given before participating in the Lord's supper, however I believe that it applies to the scenario below. 
~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~.   ~

Have you ever been in a situation when you found yourself thinking "So & So" needs to be here to hear or read this?  That may even be true, but perhaps you are there or reading the statement because it might be something that you may need to hear and apply to your life as well.  We tend to have clear vision to see other people's shortcomings while ignoring our own.

*If you take a moment to reflect and be honest with yourself, you may recall a time when you were guilty of this type of thinking.   Sometimes we have the tendancy to remove ourselves from the need to embrace and take to heart what is being shared in those instances.  Are we in that moment guilty of clearly seeing the "toothpick" in another's eyes while looking around a "2 x 4" in our own?  When we "pick up" the message with a "shovel" to throw it someone else's way instead of using a "rake" to see if it are we  missing an opportunity for growth and self                                              improvement?  Hmmm.

Pershaps in that moment we would be wise to stop to consider the following scripture using an inward lens.  It may seem harsh, but is it true? You must decide for yourself.  Hypocrite!  First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.  (Matthew 7:5). 



*Photo by Lucia Macedo on Unsplash


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