For we walk by faith, not by sight.  2 Corinthians 5:7  (NKJV)

 There have been times in my travels when I have flown in rain and  snow.  On one flight, we weren't allowed on the runway to taxi until our plane had been de-iced as a precaution.  I admit that the need to de-ice the plane gave me a momentary pause as I watched it being done.  I always pray for the pilot and co-pilot.  I then envision in my mind seeing God with the plane in the palm of His hand, gently walking us safely to our destination.  This may sound weird or childish, but it works much better than fear.


                                                  Photo by Felix Mittermeier on Unsplash

No matter how omnious the clouds looked on the ground, no matter how the rain or snow came down, no matter what the weather people said about the forecast, once we got above the scary, threatening  weather, and the plane rose above the clouds, the sun was always shining.

That is how life is sometimes.  *Fear will try to get a grip on us and all we focus on are the angry clouds & storms in our lives, when, if we stand on our faith, remember who our God is, that He is already in our future, we would not get so shaken if we just choose to rise above those storms and trust that, no matter what it looks like, God is in control.  He is bigger than anything (including storms) that is bigger than us!


Photo by Avery Cocozziello on Unsplash

Entering this new year, lets put our trust in the Lord. (Proverbs 3:5-6).  Remember, just above the storm, the sun is always shining and the Son is in control.



*False                                                                                                         Evidence                                                                                                   Appearing                                                                                                 Real


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