
Showing posts from November, 2023

Does Love REALLY mean never having to say you're sorry?

          Death and life are in the power of the tongue.                                                      Proverbs 18:21a The movie, Love Story, featuring Ryan O'Neal and Ally McGraw hit the theaters in 1970.   Most who remember this movie,  automatically think of the line, "Love, means never having to say you're sorry", spoken twice during the movie.   There are some who say that words don't hurt.  My experience has been that words can and do hurt, sometimes leaving scars that are invisible to the naked eye.  Words can discourage and break one's spirit or they can encourage and edify.  James 3:4a reads And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity.   When we hurt or offend (whether intentional or not), may we have the grace to ask the "offended person" for forgiveness,...


"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."                              1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 , nkjv                         T H A N K S G I V I N G Thanksgiving is not a Christian holiday, but for blood bought Believers,   every  day should be recognized as a day of thanksgiving to the God of our salvation for the many blessings and benefits that He lovingly lavishes on us. Tomorrow many families across the country and Canada will be gathering around tables to "celebrate" Thanksgiving.  Many of us are not so much actually "celebrating" it as much as using it as an occasion to gather for fellowship; a reunion of sorts.   What we call Thanksgiving is really a slap in the face to Indigenous People for whom it is a National Day of Mourning....

What is a Biblical Soap Opera?

So she said, "I will surely go with you: nevertheless there will be no glory for you in the journey you are taking, for the Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman.    JUDGES 4:7 . (NKJV)   Some people believe that the Bible is an old, boring book full of "hither tos," "thou arts". and "thou shalt nots".           Photo by Kiwihug on Unsplash Depending on the translation that you use, part of that could be true, however, the Bible is anything but BORING .  There are many "stories"/accounts that would more than qualify as a soap opera or made for tv series.  The following is one such "story"/account. In Judges 4 , God allowed the children of Israel to be "sold" to the  Canaanites (King Jabin) to  be oppressed for 20 years because they did evil in the sight of God... again !      The prophetess, Deborah, reminded Barak that God would cause he and his army to prevail against Sisera (the commander of the Can...

Pray Without Ceasing

   Rejoice always, pray without ceasing , in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.                                                                  1  Thessalonians 5:16-18 , NKJV "Without ceasing" literally means without stopping or continualy. however, it is not possible to pray 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  We would never get anything done.  So what could that mean?  As I read this scripture, the lyrics to "Lord, Give Me A Praying Spirit" written by  * Elbernita (Twinkie) Clark, came to mind.    Photo  by BenWhite on  Unsplash   I am intentional in mading it a pratice to pray when someone comes to mind seemingly out of the blue.  I usually find out later that this indivdual was actually going through som...