Does Love REALLY mean never having to say you're sorry?

          Death and life are in the power of the tongue.  

                                                  Proverbs 18:21a

The movie, Love Story, featuring Ryan O'Neal and Ally McGraw hit the theaters in 1970.  

Most who remember this movie,  automatically think of the line, "Love, means never having to say you're sorry", spoken twice during the movie.  

There are some who say that words don't hurt.  My experience has been that words can and do hurt, sometimes leaving scars that are invisible to the naked eye.  Words can discourage and break one's spirit or they can encourage and edify.  James 3:4a reads And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity.  

When we hurt or offend (whether intentional or not), may we have the grace to ask the "offended person" for forgiveness,  the humility to repent, asking the Lord to help us so that His Words become our words, and His thoughts our thoughts, and His ways our way.  A simple "I'm sorry and please forgive me" can go a long way  a long way toward healing.   If your apology is not accepted, you will have confidence that you have done what you are supposed to do, are in right standing with the Lord, then leave it in the Lord's hands.




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