
Showing posts from July, 2022


No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money.                                                          Matthew 6:24 (NLT)                                                                 The International Standard Bible Encyclpedia explains the dilemma this way.  "Money is one of the most common examples of mammon, something that people prioritize over the sanctification of their lives.  Other examples of mammon include leisure, lust, entertainment, and the new technology of social media...earthly pursuits we put ahead of purifying our hearts and minds ...


                         David was in great danger; for the people spoke of stoning him, because all the people were bitter in spirit for their sons and daughters. But David strengthened himself in the  Lord  his God.                                                                                I Samuel: 30:6 (NRSV) There is a song by Donald Lawrence that has as a part of it's lyrics, "Sometimes you have to encourage yourself.  Sometimes you have to speak victory during the test." The song, Encourage Yourself , can be found on YouTube. I found myself reflecting on those words last weekend when I hit a head space where I had not been in years, however,  I refused to stay there.  Just as David, I chos...


  WHAT IS YOUR ROLE? Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave to each one?  I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.    1 Corinthians 3:5-6.  (NKJV) Sometimes we may feel that we are not making any headway in the life of someone to whom we are witnessing because we don't see the fruit.    Perhaps your role may be to intercede in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to the "till the soil" of an individuals heart to prepare it to receive the "seed" of the Word.  Your role may be simply to sow the seed or to water the seed that someone else has sown.  However, as our scripture reveals, it is God who 'gives the increase'. When the *soil  of ones heart is depleted of its nutrients and stony because of sin or things endured/suffered previously, we must not give up.  Other times the soil of ones heart can be rich and grab the seed of the Word immediately with joy.  ...


  Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of  God in Christ Jesus for you.    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV) When we look around at the things that are going on in our world today, including our own country, I think that we would all agree that those of us in the body of Christ must remain faithful to intercede in prayer.  From a natural standpoint, it is sometimes more of a challenge to " give thanks " and " be anxious for nothing " (Phil. 4:6) as we see horrific circumstances unfold, however, we must continue to intercede in faith with full assurance that our Sovereign God is still in control.  When we are obedient to that, then His promise in Philippians 4:7 assures us that " the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your (our) hearts and minds through Christ Jesus ". May we be prayer warrior "watchmen on the wall"  (Nehemiah) who refuse to take down, give up, or give i...