No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money.  
                                                       Matthew 6:24 (NLT)

The International Standard Bible Encyclpedia explains the dilemma this way.  "Money is one of the most common examples of mammon, something that people prioritize over the sanctification of their lives.  Other examples of mammon include leisure, lust, entertainment, and the new technology of social media...earthly pursuits we put ahead of purifying our hearts and minds from sin."

We all know someone who has tried to have "one foot in" and "one foot out" between a commitment to Christ and the pursuit of  the pleasurable, worldly, sinful distractions that offered by life.   Could that someone be the one who looks back at us when we look in the mirror?  

Is your first thought in the morning "Thank you Lord for keeping me safe through the night and blessing me to awaken this morning?  Or is it to catch up on texts, tweets, and IG messages leaving God as being an afterthought as you rush out of the door?  The area of our lives that we feed and nurture the most is a reflection of what is most important to us.  Does your time investment reflect an intimate relationship with God?

Being saved and fully surrendered to God is a sacred personal commitment. Vacilation back and forth is not acceptable.  Either you are or you aren't. The Hokey Pokey is only acceptable as a children's game, and "Have it your way" only works at Burger King.




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