TAKE THE LIMITS OFF!

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever.  Amen.        Ephesians 3:20, 21 NKJV         

There have been times in my walk with the Lord when He has been very stern in dealing with me.   I was praying about a situation with a co-worker on my job at the time.  It seemed to me that her sole purpose for waking up in the morning was to come to work to steal my joy with scriutiny and criticism.  As I was praying about it, I had the audacity to say to the Lord, "I know that You have never let me down, but I don't see how You are going to fix this!"  He checked me right away and put me in my place.  He responded with, "And...who are you (to question what I can or cannot do)?!!"  I immediately came to my senses and repented.

Since then, He has revealed to me that I have sometimes limited Him by keeping Him "in a box" with limited expectations.    


Although there have been miraculous answers to many of my prayers over the years, I had also restricted Him by not asking or having faith for things that were beyond my limited comprehension, bigger than what I could even imagine.  Some of my prayers were too puny for the great big God I serve.  Even though I was not conscious of doing that, I was guilty, confessed it, and repented.  It wasn't that He was not able, but He requires faith  to believe that He is able "to do exceedingly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us".

Now in my prayer time, I confess "Lord,  I believe,  help my unbelief.  (Mark 9:24). Forgive me and increase my faith so that I no longer unwittingly put limits on You and what You can do for or through me."

If you were to do a little introspection, would you find that there have been times when you have limited Him to "a box"?  We cannot believe Him for "miracles, signs, and wonders" (Acts 2:22) with limited faith.  Let's be honest about where we are and ask for what we need.  Let's take the limits off, furnish the faith, and take Him "out of the box"!





  1. I can remember only asking for small things and I wish I could give thousands of dollars to help people. I haven't asked God for millions, but I will today. Thanks for sharing.


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