TURKEY DAY?? Tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day, will be obseved in most homes in the United States and Canada as a national holiday. The first Thanksgiving in 1621 is recorded as an event to "give thanks" for the previous year's harvest with colonists and Native Americans. Oddly enough, turkey was not even on the menu. There are also a few other countries like Brazil and Japan that have their own version of Thanksgiving. The first Americans, Native Americans, the ones to whom this land was home and originally belonged, will not be celebrating because it is an affront to them as a people. They have observed the month of November as National Native American Heritage Month (since 1994) to acknowlege and celebrate the contributions of these first Americans to the growth an establishment of this country. For those of us who are Believers, every day should be a day of thanksgiving to express our gratitude for all of the blessings and benefits of s...