What's Your Line In The Sand?

QUESTION:  If we believe that we are truly in the "last days", what would we be willing to suffer in defense of our faith?  What is the line in the sand that we are not willing to cross?  We are seeing and experiencing "wars and rumors of wars", earthquakes,  famine and other signs, but Matthew 24:6 tells us the "the end is not yet". 

Some died by stoning, some were sawed in half, and others were killed with the sword.  Hebrews 11:37a (NLT)

Included in what has been called the Faith Hall of Fame, is a list of those who fought, were persecuted,  and even killed because they refused to abandon their loyalty to God

 I was intrigued because I didn't recall reading in the scripture where someone was "sawed in half" as a result of their faith, so I did some research. It turns out that it is recorded in the Talmud, not the Bible, and that that martyr was the prophet, Isaiah.  Peter  was hung upside down on a cross because he felt unworthy to be hung in the same way as Christ.  Stephen was stoned to death, with John being the only one of the disciples who is said have died of natural causes.

Here is a little background on the Talmud.  The internet refers to the Talmud (which in Hebrew means "study" or "learning") as a "compilation or ancient teaching regarded as sacred and normative by Jews from the time it was compiled until modern times & still so regarded by tradition religous Jews".

Again, what is your line in the sand?



*Photo by menachem weinreb on Unsplash


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