Jesus asked, "Didn't I heal ten men?  Where are the other nine?  Has no one returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?                                           Luke: 17:17-18, NLT

THE BACK STORY:  Samaritans were looked down upon by the Jews.  They saw them as being what some would call "half breeds" because of intermarriages (between ethnic/racial backgrounds).  One of them was a Samaritan and the other 9 were Jews (God's chosen people), yet leprosy in this case seemed to be an equalizer.  Lepers had to keep distance between themselves and others while yelling "UNCLEAN!".

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In Luke 17:11-18, Jesus was traveling from Gallilee to Samaria

when 10 men called out begging Him to heal them.   He told them to go show themselves to the priest who was the only one who could declare them cleansed or healed. They were healed as they went.  Imagine the joy and relief of being healed, yet the only one who came back to fall on his face to worship and give God glory was the Samaritan whom the Jews judged to be inferior to them.

Imagine willingly donating an organ to a loved one to help save and extend their life, and after they recover, they never show any gratitude or appreciation for your sacrifice.  That's exactly what we do when we take the blessings of God for granted. Do we want the rocks to have to cry out because we keep silent? (Luke 19:40). God forbid!

Think about it.


"When you have an attitude of gratitude you wake up saying thank you."    Maya Angelou

Photo by Alex Azabache on Unsplash


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