Fishers of Men


*Then He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."  Matthew 4:19. (NKJV)

My father was a hard working man who loved his work and was not interested in going on vacations (which he saw as a waste of time). 
                                                                            Photo by Victor on Unsplash
He loved eating fish, and on rare occasions, he would actually go fishing himself. Whether he caught them or bought them, the (disgusting) job of cleaning and cooking them fell in my lap.😏

I would have loved for the fish to have been all cleaned up before my Dad caught them and brought to me, but that is not the way it works naturally nor spiritually.  Yet from the spiritual aspect of being "fishers of men", we (church folk) sometimes act like we expect the  "men/fish" to come to Christ/church already cleaned up, looking like we think they should look, act or smell.  However the "clean up" is an inside job that only the Holy Spirit can do.  

                                                                                                    Photo by Adriann Geo on Unplash
Our job is to lift the Savior up by sharing His good news through our testimonies, words, and actions.  Lord, help us to see others as You see them.  Amen!

Perhaps we should stay in our lanes, and let the Holy Spirit do what only He can do.
                                                                                                         Blessings! ...CWP

*The NLT version of our scripture reads, Jesus called out to them, "Follow Me, and I will show you how to fish for people!"  


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