Does Size Really Matter?


Photo by Dulcey Lima on Unsplash 

Hummingbirds are incredible
creatures that can teach us many interesting lessons that we can apply to our lives.  Weighing about the same as a penny,  they migrate just like much larger birds, except they do so alone. 
They are much smaller than most of their predators, yet they are able to fly 400 miles nonstop. With brains about the size of a grain of rice and legs that are too weak to enable them to walk, God has equipped them to be able to survive and thrive.
The lesson?  Just because a situation appears to be really  overwhelming,  does not mean that it cannot be conquered.  God has given us His Word and the help of the Holy Spirit to equip us to survive, thrive, and be victorious.  It may be too big for an individual alone, but when we remember that God is bigger than anything that is bigger than us, we can overcome it and succeed.  

And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.  2 Corinthians 12:9aNKJV. A believer in partnership with the Lord is being on the winning team!




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