Father of the fatherless and protector of widows 

is God in his holy habitation.  Psalm 68:5, ESV

On June 16th, those of us in the US celebrated Fathers Day, 

honoring fathers, grandfathers, uncles and other men who have stepped up to come along side those who for whatever reason are without a father or a positive father figure.  Fathers Day started here in the US, and is now celebrated internationally.

"Abba Father" is a term used only 3 times in the Bible (by Jesus and Paul) in Mark 14:36, Romans 8:15, and Galations 4:6.  What exactly does the term Abba Father mean?

When used by Jesus and Paul referring to God the Father, it was a reflection of their intimate personal relationship with God.  Similarly for Jewish children, Abba is a colloquail way of addressing
their fathers. In Aramaic,  it is translated as father, "Papa" or "Daddy". 

El Roi, is one of the names of God that means "God sees me."  He not only sees us, and wants His best for us.  He also desires to have an intimate relationship with each of us as well.



*Photo by Steve Dimatteo on Unsplash

**Photo by John Tyson on Unsplash

                                                         ***Photo by In Collaboration with Colin & Meg on Unsplash


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