A vow is not to be made without careful thought and prayer of what you are promising. Ecclesiates 5:2 reads, Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth. Therefore let your words be few. Be very careful and prayerful about making a vow to God. To break it could have dire consequences and repercussions that don't just affect you.
First, let's make sure that we are on the same page as to the Biblical explanation of a vow. According to Smith's Bible Dictionary, "a vow is a solemn promise made to God to perform or to abstain from performing a certain thing."
Here is an example.
There was a woman who was very ill and her sons came to a pastor (whom they had never met) pleading with him to come pray for her, which he did. The mother promised (vowed) that if the Lord would raise her up and give her another chance that she would faithfully start going to church and give her life to the Him. God answered that prayer, but she did not follow through on her vow. Fast forward. The condition returned, but this time she was sick unto death. When the pastor was summoned this time, she stared at him with frightened, pleading eyes, but she could not speak. She died shortly thereafter.For a Biblical example, read Judges 11:30-40 where a vow that Jephthah made to God cost him his daughter and only child, simply because of a vow that he made in the spur of the moment.
Take Heed!
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