Give Us THIS Day....
Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:11, (NKJV)
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Many of us are used to going to the grocery store weekly, bi-weekly, or monthy to buy groceries for our home. Because of many of the changes in how we do things since COVID, instead of going yourself, perhaps you use one of the many apps to send your list for someone else to "shop" for you. You may even have them delivered to your home.The above verse from what we call The Lord's Prayer says just the opposite. If we reflect on Isaelites journey in the wilderness, God provided just enough manna (natural food) for that day. If someone tried to save extra, it was inedible the next day. The exception was the day before the Sabbath when God provided enough for two days. They were totally dependent of Jehovah Jireh to provide for daily needs.
Could this have been a lesson to the Israelites and for us today? Is it possible that He wants us to be totally dependent on Him for our spiritual "food"...daily? *They didn't get it, and He allowed the majority of them to die in the wilderness, missing out on entering the land promised them.
And Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst." (John 6:35)
If all we consume weekly is a Sunday/Sabbath message at church or online, are we being obedient to sup with Him daily? If we are guilty of this, are we chancing missing out on our "promised land"... eternity with Him? It's worth thinking about for sure.
*There were other reasons as well, such as murmuring and complaining..
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