Elohim, The God of Creation

 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.                                                                                                  Genesis 1:1, NKJV

God has many "names"or "titles"that reflect His character and benefits. Today, I am focusing on Elohim, the God of Creation. 

I was blessed to celebrate another birthday a couple of days ago, and my gift was to travel to another state with loved ones where the eclipse could be seen in its totality.  I saw the one locally in 2017, but that partial one paled by comparison to this one. 

  Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash
To say that it was awesome is such an understatement.  Visitors traveled from as far west as California, and there were some who were French speaking from who knows where. 

I am seldom at a loss for words, however, this was an exception.  Seeing God's creation on full display as it went though the various phases was awe inspiring and caused me to tear up.  The change in the temperature and the darkness evoked a "holy hush" from all, and there were outbursts of applause and whistles from the spectators as the "diamond ring effect" appeared twice.  *It was like giving the Creator a standing ovation which He clearly deserved.  Bailey's beads, the carona and a solar flare were also visible.  I will not soon forget this wonderful experience.

"God does good work!"  is what I often say about the beauty of nature.   

Amen.  And it is so.



*By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.  Hebrews 11:3



  1. To have experience the "hush" among the many people all over just sends a certain feeling in my soul. Thank you for sharing the Aww of our God, ~CWP~.


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