A God Whisper

     Photo by Thought Catalog on UnSplash

When I am able to go back "home" for a visit, I always try to reconnect with someone from when I was growing up or while in college.  One of my former college mates  and I were getting "caught up" when he started sharing about his experiencing what he called, "God whispers".  I found that to                                                                be an intriguing way to look at it.   

It reminds me of how God spoke to the Prophet Elijah in 1 Kings 19.   Elijah challenged the people of Israel to "get off the fence" and decide whom they were going to follow, God or Baal (1 Kings 18:21). They stood mute.   *Believing that he was the last prophet of God (which he was not) and knowing that Baal had 450 prophets, he did something reminicent of the old Westerns that many of us watched on television.  Elijah issued a challenge (1 Kings 18) to both Baal's prophets and the children of Israel.  That full challenge can be read in 1 Kings 18. Of course, God showed up bigtime, and Elijah won!  The children of Israel then declared that "The Lord, He is God!"  Elijah then ordered that all the prophets of Baal be executed. (1 Kings 18:39-40)

Jezebel was livid and "put a hit out" on Elijah, sending a messenger to deliver a threat and promise to have him killed within  24 hours.  (1 Kings 19:2).  He ran for his life and hid in a cave where the Lord spoke to him at the mouth of the cave, but not in the way Elijah expected.  The Lord was not in the rocks falling from the mountains, nor the wind, and not in the earthquake.  1 Kings 19:12 reads and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.  That is how He is with us sometimes because it isn't always a "burning bush" type/level of communication.  For example, it might be an strong unction in our spirit that cannot be ignored. 

We must not be guilty of putting God "in a box" thereby limiting Him to what our minds can conceive.  He wants to do a new thing each of us and we must be attentive to listen for those "God Whispers."



. *Yet I have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him.  1 Kings 19:18


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