No one can take my life from me.  I sacrifice it voluntarily.  For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also to take it up again.  For this is what my Father has commanded.  John 10:17-18 (NLT)  

This season is one of the most consequential & unforgettable periods of time in Christiandom.  A painful time which ends triumphantly!

Passion Week or Holy Week began on Palm Sunday and continues to Resurrection Sunday/Easter.   Jesus, motivated by His love for us and desire to redeem us, suffered unbelievable torture and humiliation to pay our sin debt.   He who was without sin.

*It is called Passion Week because Jesus was motivated by His passionate love for us and desire to provide a path back to a restored relationship with the Father through Him.  The Father loves me because I sacrifice my life so I may take it back again. (John 10:17).  He accomplished it through His suffering, death, and resurrection.  Those of us who are followers of Christ should always feel indebted to Him.  It's a debt we could never repay.

**According to the traditional interpretation of the Bible (although these names are not found in the Bible), each day of the week has been given a name. Today is called Holy Wednesday or Spy Wednesday.  Holy Wednesday because Mary of Bethany is believed to have anointed the feet of Jesus the night before the Last Supper, and Spy Wednesday because of the belief that this is the day that Judas put his plan into action to betray Jesus.

May we reflect on what this week memorializes for those of us who are a part of the body of Christ.  What Jesus suffered and endured on His journey to the cross is horrendous, however, we get to celebrate on Resurrection Sunday. 

The Cross was not the end!  Jesus defeated death and the grave, then got up victorious with all power in His hands. Hallelujah!!!



*Photo by Grant Whitty on Unsplash


***Photo by Anuja Tilj on Unsplash

There is a book that I highly recommend entitled FOR THIS HE CAME, Jesus' Journey to the Cross by Bill Crowder where he "takes you on a journey with Christ as He imparts  lessons to the disciples He will soon leave behind."  It is enlightening and an easy read.


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