Same First Parents & Same God!


Some continue to question why Black History Month is still "a thing".  The answer is that until we as a country and certain "leaders" stop trying to sugarcoat or remove the actual truth of the history of this country, it will continue to be a necessity. If one were to even look at the history of indigenous people in this country, we would have to admit that America has unclean hands. 

This nation was built on the backs of marginalized people.  There is not one area of everyday life that has not been by positively impacted by the many contributions and sacrifices of black & brown people, as well as, other ethnicities.  That's one reason "melting pot" is used to describe the makeup of our population.

I believe that it would make the Lord's heart glad if the body of Christ would come together being intentional in having an active role in showing the love of Christ to pull down the strongholds of division and racism.  By this everyone will know my disciples if your have love and unselfish concern for one another.  John 13:35 (AMP) 

We are all brothers and sisters in His eyes because we all came from the same first parents, Adam and Eve.   And Adam called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of *all living.  Genesis 3:20, (NKJV)   We are called to be a reflection of Christ and His love in this world. If our epidermises were translucent, we would all look the same.  Same organs, same skeletal systems, same red blood cells, all created by the same God. 

Yes, some things have changed for the better, but there is still so much that needs to be done.  Yes, we pray, but when we get up off of our knees, we need to do something to be a part of the healing solution in our country and the world.   Let's go!!!! 



*The emphasis is mine.


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