Hoping & Dreaming -vs- Goal Setting

Then the LORD answered me and said:  "Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.  For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.  Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.  Habakkuk 2: 2-3 (NKJV). (Italics are mine for emphasis.)

One of my assignments from the Lord this year is "You need to finish what you start!"  Let me put that in context.  I have several books that I started reading, then I would see, hear about, or buy another one that I wanted to read that piqued my interest...without finishing the previous one. Am I the only one guilty of doing this?  The first one that He led to complete was *The Circle Maker (Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears) by Mark Batterson.  The focus of the book is on drawing prayer circles (you'll have to read to understand that part), however, the second area of focus that stood out to me was about setting goals in Chapter 15.

Photo by Kevin Turcio on Unsplash

The Cambridge Diction
ary defines hoping as "something good that you want to happen in the future", but hoping alone is not enough.  Once we have the vision, we need to write it down as a goal with a deadline. Prayerfully develop a plan to reach that goal, executing the plan by putting "legs and feet" to the dream.   
Mark Batterson put it this way.  "If dreams are the destination, goals are the GPS that gets you there."

I recently realized that over the years,  I had allowed many of my dreams and visions that the Holy Spirit gave me to dim and take a backseat.  No more!  I AM BACK and so are my dreams!  I am excited!

If you have dreams that have gotten dusty or pushed into the background by other things, I challenge you to dust them off, bring them.  back into focus and get busy!     

                                                  Photo by Unsplash In Collaboration with ^Nataila Blauth                           



* This is a really awesome book that I highly recommend.  It is an easy read.  It will challenge you to not only hope and dream again, but give you tools to help you begin to see your goals become a reality!


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