Years Eclipse!


 All over the world (depending on time zones) there are people who are celebrating, have celebrated, or are waiting to say goodbye to 2023.

Some are celebrating with revelrie at parties with dancing and drinking, some are in church having services until near midnight, while some others are also at church fellowshiping with each other while playing games, etc until near midnight where they will stop to properly welcome 2024.  Some will greet the new year with fireworks and/or shooting guns.  (I don't understand that last one).

Before we say "au dieu", lets reflect on 2023. 

Photo by Kamran Abdulayev on Unsplash)

What are the lessons learned, the "giants" we slayed, and accomplishments celebrated.  Some will sadly be leaving behind loved ones who have transitioned, some have experienced tremendous blessings, tests, and challenged in some way,  

No matter your attitude or how you choose to acknowledge finally kicking 2023 over the goalpost into oblivion/history, let's also acknowledge that there were blessings there, embrace the lessons learned, and welcome 2024 with optimism. 

                                                             Photo by Tasha Marie on Unsplash

Blessings & Happy New Year!!



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