A D V E N T

                                     Photo by Max Bect on Unsplash

We are presently in the season of Advent.  The word Advent means "arrival" which is celebrated on the four Sundays between December 3rd -24th (2023).

According to, "Advent is a four-week season in the Church calendar dedicated to *anticipating the arrival, or "advent," of Jesus of Nazareth, the long-awaited Messiah and King.  Christians from many backgrounds celebrate this with reflections on hope, peace, love, and joy.  And while their practices may look different, all focus on the hope-filled arrival of Jesus." 

We are 12 days away from Christmas Day, the day that we celebrate the birth of the Savior.  This is the time when many are scurrying around buying gifts to go under the tree when the gift that matter is the gift of Jesus.  Luke 2:14 (NKJV) reads, Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward all men.  

As we pay attention to the news in our communities, state, nation, and world there doesn't seem to be much peace or goodwill.   However, those of us who are Believers must reflect the true Christmas spirit by keeping "the main thing the main thing" which is Christ.

Blessings & Good Tidings,


*Emphasis is mine.

What is Advent.

According to

What Is Advent?

Advent is a four-week season in the Church calendar dedicated to anticipating the arrival, or "advent," of Jesus of Nazareth, the long-awaited Messiah and King. Christians from many backgrounds celebrate this time with reflections on hope, peace, love, and joy. And while their practices may look different, all focus on the hope-filled arrival of Jesus.


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