Does God Have A Sense of Humor??

 Do you believe that the Lord has a sense of humor?  I once heard someone jokingly respond, "Of course, He does!  He made us, didn't He!"  Anyway, I certainly hope that He does.

Dennis HeHaan made the following statement in a *devotional called  "Praying On Target".  It reads, "The more specific our request, the more definite His response".  It triggered a memory of the  day the Lord taught me that very lesson years ago.


                                        Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Our car at the time was sometimes temperamental and was slow to crank.   I had an errand to run.   I tried to crank the car, it would not.  I waited a while, then asked the Lord to intervene by getting the car to crank.  He answered that request and the car cranked up!  Yay,  but it immediately cut off.  I thought about it, smiled and said "Ok" to the Lord, You've got jokes!" Finally, my next prayer was much more specific.  I asked Him to bless me this time by letting the car crank, stay cranked, run my errand, turn the car off,  crank (and stay cranked) when I got ready to leave that place." He answered that prayer.  

I sighed, smiled and nodded my head.  Lesson learned!😊



*Bless the Lord, O My Soul, 365 DEVOTIONS for PRAYER & WORSHIP, Our Daily Bread

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.  Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)


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