But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope.  1 Thessalonians 4:13 (NKJV)

If you have never had someone whom you love pass away, you may think that mourning and grieving are the same, however, they are not.  They are two sides of the same coin, bereavement. defines grief as "the emotional response to a loss" and mourning as "the outward response to grief."  The internet also puts it this way.  "Bereavement is the state of having lost a significant other to death.  Grief is the loss.  Mourning is the public expression of that loss."

Even when we know that the loved one lived their lives for the Lord, there is still an empty place in the family's life.  They may have emotions that seem to be contradictory, yet they are not.  If their loved one has been suffering for a long time, there is a sense of relief that their physical suffering has come to an end.  Yet, there is that undeniable absence of that loved ones from their lives that cannot be ignored which is understandably sad and hurts.  

If you know someone who is in this situation right now, please be patient with them.  They are not looking for someone to say something deep and profound.  Be a compassionate listening ear, offer a patient shoulder, or give them space if that is what they want and need.  By all means pray for their strength and comfort.  They are doing the best they can in dealing with the myriad of emotions that are flooding their lives right now.



More to come next week.

*Photo by Jorge Bemadez on Unsplash


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