Time For An Exam!

If You, Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?  But there is forgiveness with You, That You may be feared.                                                                Psalm 130:3-4  NKJV

The answer it no one.

A person made a comment to me a few weeks ago that has been troubling my spirit.  This person said that 'they would not be involved in something because of what they knew about one of the individuals who is a part of the leadership team.'  Once it was revealed that said individual was not the leader,  this person said that they might consider participating/attending.
Sometime it seems that we forget that Jesus was the only perfect one Who ever walked the earth and was without sin; that each one of us is a sinful, imperfect being.  When God forgives someone, that should settle it! (Psalm 103:12). It reminded me of a statement that I heard in a sermon years ago. 

The pastor talked about how after one repents, 'God throws that sin (HE has forgiven) into the sea of forgetfulness, then the enemy puts on a diving suit trying to dive through the blood of Jesus to dredge it back up'.  The enemy is the "accuser of the brethern".  (Revelation 12:10)  Each one of us has things in our past that God has forgiven that we would like to forget.  It is important that we remember that each one of us has *"fallen short" (*Romans 3:23) and are saved by grace. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

                      Photo by West Kenya Union Conference Adventist Media on Unsplash



 *for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,  (Romans 3:23).                                                   1st photo by Kevin Turcios on Unsplash



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