Passion Week

Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.                                                     Hebrews 9:22, (ESV)


                                             Photo by Alan Bowman on Unsplash

 Passion Week begins Sunday, April 2nd and extends to Saturday, April 8th.  This is one of the most important times for a Believer to reflect on the Jesus' path to the Cross and why it was necessary.  Because of His compassion for mankind who had fallen so far away from God and His passionate love for us, Jesus willingly left heaven, took on all of our sins, suffered humiliation & violence, then allowed Himself to be crucified to pay the penalty for OUR sins...He Who had no sin.  

The scripture above tells us why His sacrifice was necessary.  There was no animal pure enough and no human who was sinless (because we are born in sin) whose blood was pure enough to satisfy this debt.

If you are interested in knowing more about His journey during Passion Week, click on the link below where you  find a timeline and prayers for each day.




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