Perhaps (depending on your age) you may remember when "God, CoPilot" was a really popular bumper sticker.  I always thought that it should be the other way around with God being the pilot.  Afterall, why wouldn't we want God to be in control, right?  I decided to actually research both of their roles to see if I was correct.    

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.  Proverbs 3:5 - 6. (NKJV)                                                       

It turns out that pilots and copilots are required to have same abilites and training, however, the pilot has more authority.  Copilots have to be able to take over the operation of the plane in the event that the pilot for some reason became incapacitated or was unavailable to perform his duties. 

God gives each of us the freedom (free will) to chart (pilot) our own courses for our lives, meaning that we are the pilots of our journey.  As a result of sin or some of the choices made, we may sometimes get in spiritual trouble. When we become so busy that our prayer lives are practically nonexistent, we aren't studying the Word, not cultivating and maintaining intimacy with the Lord,  we need help from our copilot to help us get our lives back on course.  

It's official! Yes, God is indeed my copilot!  Who is He to you?  




  1. I love this Coretta, there must be a oneness with God to allow or welcome Him as our copilate. I enjoyed this. Keep up the good work!


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