We have just come out of the holiday season where for most, it was a time of jubilation 🥳 & celebrating the birth 🚼 of Christ ✝ with other believers & family.  Please be sensitive to those for whom it was and still is a time mixed with sadness 🙁 because of missing a loved 💔one who has transitioned from this life.  It is sometimes a struggle to be upbeat 😁in the midst of someone else's joy because it is a reminder of the loved one they are 😭 missing.  

Now that we have entered a brand new year,  please be patient with those who are still struggling, especially if they do not have a positive, loving support system.  Some may feel as if they are having to leave behind that loved one in the previous year as they get to go into a new year without them.  Grief can be like a roller🎢 coaster ride with it's ebbs and flows that refuse to be ignored. 

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up...1Thessalonians 5:11a (ESV)

If you have been spared this kind of pain, you are indeed blessed. May I suggest not saying that you undertand how they feel because truthfully you can not.  Also, please also refrain from thinking that you have to say something deep and profound.  Instead, a simple hug, a squeeze of the hand, a smile, or "I am praying for you"...will speak volumes and be appreciated. 

May we continue into 2023 with hope and great expectations!




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