To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews.  To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law.  1 Corinthans 9:20 (ESV)

                                                      Some people are highly offended when they are greeted with Happy Holidays because there is an assumption of this being an intentional attempt to take the focus off of the celebration of Jesus' birth.  Do you agree with this?   

This country is often described as a melting pot, but what exactly is a melting pot?  According to Oxford Languages, a melting pot is "a place where different peoples, styles, theories, etc. are mixed together."

For those of us who are Christian,  the entire month of December is celebrated as the Christmas season, culminating on December 25th, the day we acknowlege and celebrate as Christ's birth.  This celebration may include special services, re-enactments, decorations, special food, family gathering, and exchanging gifts.

Hanukkah, also called Chanukah (which means dedication), is an eight day Jewish celebration called "festival of lights"  celebrating the rededication of the Holy Temple.  This includes remembering when the  miracle of oil which should have lasted one night actually lasted for eight days. There is a menorah with nine candles with one being lit on each of the eight days, special prayers, and eating foods that are fried in oil.

"Kwanzaa" is swahili which translates as "First Fruits" and is based on traditional African harvest festivals.  It is a cultural not a religious celebration.  There are seven candles with one being lit each day representing the principles of unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith.

All that being said, should we perhaps be open to learning about and respecting the different cultures and respective traditions that make up "us"? I think we should.                              

Blessings and Happy holidays!



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