For there is no partiality with God.  Romans 2:11 (NKJV)


Those of us who believe the Bible as authentic truth and the final authority,  also believe that all humankind came from our first parents, Adam and Eve.  That should mean that there are not different races...only one human race.  Within the human race are different cultures and traditions.  

The part of the Declaration of Independence which includes "all men are created equal" has not been a reality for black and brown people.  As a result, many groups continue to push for recognition, acceptance, and respect. Different does not mean inferior.   

The month of November has been proclaimed as National Native Americans Heritage Month by President Joe Biden to highlight their identity, culture, languages, etc. "Native" because they were already here well before this land was  supposedly "discovered".   Hats off to our brown brothers and sisters. 

Sometimes America is described as a "melting pot" meaning that the country is made up of many cultures.  If one is preparing homemade chicken noodle soup, there are other ingredients in addition to the chicken necessary.   One's recipe may require different spices, and other ingredients, but only when combined do we get a flavorful chicken noodle soup. 

Wouldn't it be awesome and Christlike if those of us in the body of Christ led the way? 




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