And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lordchoose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. lBut as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”              Joshua 24:15. (ESV)

Have you ever had a hankering for certain flavor of ice cream, then upon entering the store found yourself overwhelmed by so many choices?  Suddenly you found yourself tempted by all the options?                    

From Genesis to Revelations, we find instances where individuals or groups of people had to make a choice.  In the garden of Eden, Eve had the choice of obeying God's instructions or allowing the serpent to beguile her into disobedience.  God's covenant was with Adam, yet he chose disobedience. Abraham gave Lot the option of choosing which land he wanted to inhabit.

In the Joshua 24, Joshua called all of the tribes and their elders together.  I imagine that Joshua was frustrated with them and their lack of commitment to God Who had been faithful to them from the time of Terah (Abrahams father) until that day.  After  reminding them of that, He challenged them to make a choice to either serve Jehovah OR serve the gods of the lifeless Amorite gods.  There was no option of stradding the fence or vacillating.  Joshua was clear on His choice.

The same is true today.  God created man (and the angels) with free will, yet some of the angels chose to follow Lucifer and were kicked out of heaven with him.  Choices have consequences.  Whom do you choose?




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