Carpe Diem!!


Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.  So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries.  Today's trouble is enough for today.          Matthew 6:33, 34 (NLT)

Horace, a Roman poet, is credited with the term Carpe diem.  It's literal translation is "Pluck the day" but most of us would recognize it's more modern meaning of  "Seize the day"


Sometimes we allow ourselves to be ladened with the cares of everyday living or get bogged down with "What if's" of things that might happen which lead to stress, worry, and anxiety. If we don't identify the source, and take it to the Lord, it can paralyze or lead us down a rabbit hole that eats away at our peace of mind and even our faith.  Whatever we feed gets stronger and bigger. 

When children have fears they rightfully look to their parents for comfort that things will be okay and to reassure them that they are always going to be there to help or protect them.  At other times, the parent may just take care of whatever challenge the child is facing.  Likewise, we can go to our heavenly "parent" who invites us to come to Him and allowing Him do the same thing for us.  He will deliver us or walk with us to face and overcome the challenge or fear. 

I recall my mother sending me into the grocery store to return something that was damaged.  I grew up in the South (that is relevant) and I was quite young. I was petrified!  "What if they don't believe me!?!"  So many fears flooded my mind and my heart was pounding. There was no chance of my talking her out of "encouraging" (aka forcing) me do it.  However, it was one of many lessons to come that taught me that I could face and do challenging things.

Our scripture is a promise that if we put Him first, He will take care of us. There are many others.  Proverbs 3:5,6/Isaiah 26:3/Psalm 32:7-8/Psalm 46:1.  We can take Him at His Word because the one thing that He cannot do is lie!  We either feed our fears or we feed our faith.  



God is bigger than anything that is bigger than us!


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