The Ascension Of Jesus

                               The Ascension of Jesus

Then he led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up his hands he blessed them.  While he blessed them, he parted from them, and was carried up into heaven.  Luke 24:50-51 (RSV)

It is surprising how many Christians are not aware that Jesus continued to minister for 40 days after He conquered death and was resurrected from the dead.  What we call "Easter" was by no means the end of His story. Jesus continued to preach, heal, and teach in some of the places where He had ministered prior to His cruxification.  He was not a ghost or spirit.  He physically appeared to thousands.  One of His earlier appearances was to the two men/disciples whom He met walking on the road to Emmaus.  When they arrived,  He broke bread  (had a meal) with them.  (Luke 24:29-30)
Jesus foretold that He would eventually return to heaven to be reunited with the Father once He finished what He came to earth to do.  When He completed His assignment, He gathered the disciples together on the Mount of Olives, gave them final instructions, and as the disciples looked on,  He *ascended to heaven.  What a sight and experience that must have been!  This Sundayin  Christendom,  we will celebrate Pentecost  (Acts 2:1-4) which is the fulfillment of Jesus' promise (John 15:26) of the Holy Ghost  once He returned to the Father

As one commentator remarked, 'Jesus did not go into retirement' because those of us who are Believers, look forward to His **return.    In the meantime, we have assignments as well.  We are to follow our manual, (the Bible), and to use the gifts/abilities He has given to each of us to draw others to Him.  With the help of the Holy Spirit, lets be vigilant to complete our assignments while we wait for Christ's return!


*Definition of ascend:  to go or move up

**He who testifies to these things says, "Surely I am coming soon."  Amen,  Come, Lord Jesus!  Revelations 22:20


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