Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.          Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV)

If you grew up in COGIC, the above scripture will certainly be familiar to you.🌞 🌻


This👇 is from an article I cut out of the newspaper years ago and saved because in my opinion, it contains a lot of wisdom.  It was written by Sam Levenson who was writer, teacher, host and journalist.
You may or may not agree with some or all of it, but it reminds me of the way in which I was reared.  Perhaps you were too.  Enjoy.


1.  Thou shalt guard thy children in the home and on the street.

2.  Thou shalt make thy home a sanctuary of love and devotion.

3.  Thou shalt honor the teachers of thy children and teach thy                    children to honor them.

4.  Thou shalt not condone the faults of thy children through                       a misguided sense of loyalty.

I can hear teachers clapping for #s 3 & 4.  You're welcome!😊

5.  Thou shalt teach thy children respect for the law and keep                     from the companionship of children who indicate disrespect                 for law.

6.  Thou shalt not lead thy children into temptation by providing               them with the means thereof, to wit, too much money, a car and             adult provileges.

7.  Thou shalt enforce decency in the dress of thy daughters and               dignity in the dress of thy sons.

8.  Thou shalt protect the morals of thy children from the                           indiscretions of youthful ardor and/or and inexperience.

9.  Thou shalt conduct thine own affairs in such a manner as to set an         example worthy of imitation by thy children. 

10. Thou shalt not permit thy children to bear arms, except in the                service of their country.





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