"GOOD" FRIDAY: A Love Story?

Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.  John 15:13

We usually think of a man and woman when we think about a typical love story.  I contend that the fact that Jesus endured such horrific things, died and rose again, makes it the greatest love story ever. 

 He Who was/is "The Truth" (John 14:6), was lied upon, and abandoned by those  closest to Him (Matthew 26:56) after pouring into them.   Have you ever wondered about was "good" about Good Friday? I have.  When I think about how He was brutally beaten, slapped, spat upon, stripped  humiliated, and mocked, I could see nothing "good" about any of that. 

So, how is this a love story? Love is the reason He came.  What He experienced and suffered was motivated by pure, divine love for each of us.  It was necessary for Him to suffer these things in fulfillment of the scripture. It was necessary that He suffer, die, and rise again that we may have forgiveness of our sins.  Even though there are those who say that the Jews murdered Jesus.  That is debunked by Jesus' own words in John 10:18No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down, and I have the power to take it again.  This command I have received from My Father. 

Especially during this Passion Week, may be fully aware and grateful for this love story.  May we acknowledge when He laid down His life, He paid our sin debt.                                                                                                         




  1. John 15:13 says it ALL. Jesus loved me that much🙏🏽


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