You will keep him in perfect peace Whose mind is stayed on you, Because he trust in you.  Trust in Lord forever, for in YAH, the Lord, is everlasting strength.       Isaiah 26:3,4.   NKJV     (Emphasis Added)


According to, "Peace is something everyone wants, yet few seem to find.  What is peace?  It can be defined as "tranquility, harmony, or security."  Depending on the situation, it could mean "prosperity" or "well-being".  This is not the kind of peace of which I speak.  This fragile, unstable peace fluctuates and is dependent upon external situations, circumstances, and sometimes other people.

I heard a teenager on television trying to encourage his mother who was really stressed about something and had allowed only worse case scenerios to dominate her thoughts.  Those thoughts had begun run through her mind like a hampster running on his wheel.  He simply said to her that "worry is a misuse of imagination."  One of my uncles used to say that "imagination is the strongest nation in the world".  

However, if you choose to dwell on the Lord and His Word,  allowing the Holy Spirit  be "the eye (calm & peace) of the storm" in your life when everything and everybody else around you seem to be going haywire, imagination is put on its place. This peace in internal.  What a testimony to the world when we allow the fruit of peace to manifest. 

If you've never experienced this special "brand" of Peace that only  Jehovah Shalom can give, you are missing out.  Even when circumstances & everything all around you cause you to feel like Hurricane (Fill in the blank) is advancing onto the shores of your life, the Lord can give you His peace that will boggle the minds of those around you.

I do not speak of something that I read in a book, heard someone else say, nor is this an untested hypothesis.  Peace is a fruit of the Spirit and is not compromised or threatened by circumstances.  I speak from tried and true personal experience.  Perhaps if we focus more on the bigness of our God instead of the bigness of our circumstance or storm, we will experience Him speaking, "PEACE BE STILL!" to the storms and challenges in our lives!  


Here is another acronym. 😊    P -Placing

                                                    E -Expections

                                                       A -And

                                                           C -Confidence

                                                                E -Eternally




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