
                                        "FAITH 2.0"

 I imagine that at some point in your life you may have received an invitation that had BYOB included.  Depending on where you were in your personal "journey" at the time, that would have meant either Bring Your Own Boose/Bottle or Bring Your Own Bible.  No shade intended, but the first one was probably because it was seen as a necessary part of your "having fun" at a party or some sort of celebration.

         This week, let's look at B.Y.O.F., Bring Your Own Faith.

Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV) reads But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him,    

If we come to the Lord seeking a miracle, we need to come armed with our faith.  There were times when Jesus could not minister or perform miracles because of the peoples' lack of faithThe woman with the issue of blood had faith that just by touching His clothes (not Jesus Himself) that she would be made whole (Luke 8:43-48), and she was.  The man whose son was demon possessed had faith that Jesus could free his son even when the disciples couldn't,  and his son was delivered (Mark 9:14-19).  The centurion whose servant (was paralyzed at home) had faith that Jesus could heal his servant by just speaking a word.  Jesus told him that He had not ever seen that kind faith even in Israel, and the servant was healed that very hour (Luke 7:1-10). When Christ went to raise from the dead a ruler's daughter, He first had to put the unbelievers out of the room because their lack of faith was a hinderance (Luke 8:49-56).

If you have been asking God to perform a miracle in your life, something that only He can do, you have to come armed with faith. Faith is fertilizer for your miracle.  Not only must you have faith, your must continually feed your faith.   





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