If you believe Genesis 2 that Adam and Eve were the first parents, then it follows that all of humanity came from them.                                                    

                                             Photo by Shutterstock

February is set aside as Black History Month in United States and Canada.  According to Wikipedia, it is also observed in Ireland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.  In Europe, it is observed in October.   It's a time to acknowledge & highlight the many contributions and achievements of Black people (also called *African diaspora) to the evolution/building of this country (one of the richest in the world), as well as other countries.  It's also a time to share our culture.  

Dr. Carter G. Woodson, an educator and historian, is considered the Father of Black History.  Originally, the observance lasted only a week, but was changed to the entire month of February because both Frederick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln's birthdays were in February.  These were two men whom Dr Woodson admired.

Truth be told, Black History IS America's history.  Why then do we need or have Black History?  Allow me answer it this way.  There was a gentleman who shared that as a child in elementary school, he was the only Black student in his class. He asked his teacher who happened to be white, "Why weren't more people like him in the history books?"  Her answer was 'Because Black people haven't done anything important.'  Facts dispute this fallacy, not just in the US but globally, and no amount of redacting American/US History will ever change that.  

Until we as a country can admit the truth about this country's real history, begin to see all humanity  (without regard to skin color or ethnicity) as equally valuable, and acknowlege the contributions of all people of color, Black History Month will continue to be necessary.  



*According to Wikipedia, "The African diaspora in the Americas refers to the people born in the Americas with partial, predominantly, or completely African ancestry.  Many are descendants of persons enslaved in Africa and transferred to the Americas by Europeans, then forced to work for free.."


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