Memories and The Dream

 Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity.            Psalm 133:1. ESV

                                              Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash

Many people honored and commemorated the life and contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr this week with various acts of service. Dr. King was known for fighting for the most basic of human rights for all people, especially minorities.  This year's observices caused me to reminisce.

I recalled going to a small red brick church in Orangeburg, South Carolina (near railroad tracks) with my mother and three of her siblings to hear this Dr. King speak.  I was too young to understand the significance and weight of that trip.  I had no idea that I was watching history in the making.  Ironically, there were two HBCUs (Historically Black College or University), Claflin and South Carolina State Colleges on the other side of the railroad tracks.  The church had standing room only with the pulpit full of preachers surrounding this man called Dr. King.

Fast forward to my next memory which was of my mother and her siblings driving to DC to participate in the 1968 March on Washington.  It was organized by Dr. King to draw attention to the need for economic justice for poor people in this country.  I had an autograph book at the time, and my mother even managed to get Dr. King to autograph it for me.  Unfortunately, I have no idea what happened to it.  

I also recall exactly where I was on April 4th when Walter Cronkite broke the news that Dr. King had been murdered.  My family stood silent, frozen,  heartbroken, and angry...all at the same time. Some things have changed, but if we are honest, we still have a quite a way to go to see Dr. King's dream becomes reality.  May those of us in the body of Christ lead the way.




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