Image by DreamDigitalArts from Pixaby

The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way;            Psalm 37:23 ESV

 When I was a little girl, I used to literally try to walk in my earthly father's footsteps.  He was what we called "slew-footed" (some call it "duck footed") which means that he walked with his feet facing outward.  His strides were much longer and faster than mine, but I still tried. 😊

Not long ago, the Holy Spirit began showing me a similar picture,  but this time I was walking carefully and stepping into the footprints of Jesus.  He walked just ahead of me, but at a pace that always allowed me to stay close enough that I could always see Him, and equally as important, He could see me.  Periodically, He would glance back in my direction as if to assure me that He was watching out for me and would never go faster than my ability to follow Him.

The Holy Spirit never gave me "revelation" about that scene, but I took it as an assurance that as long as I followed closely in His footsteps which were clearly in front of me,  He would always be there to lead and look out for me.  It was also a reminder to me to always be aware that someone was watching and looking to me as a follower of Christ to be an example to them.  This is a very sobering responsibilty.  May each one of us be careeful to walk *"circumspectly."



*So, be careful how you live.  Don't live like fools, but like those who are wise.  NLT


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